学校成立于1924年,在校学生267人. Created in response to the community’s need for higher education facilities, Pasadena Junior College was first 成立于帕萨迪纳高中校园. It was one of the earliest junior colleges in the Southwest United States. Its faculty, graduates, and former students, now numbering in the hundreds of thousands, have contributed greatly to business, 教育、工业、职业和美国社会的大多数其他方面.
Major Milestones
- 1911
Land for campus construction is acquired
The original campus was eighteen acres and acquired for the construction of a new campus for Pasadena High School. 这处房产的北边是科罗拉多州 Boulevard, the east by Sierra Bonita Avenue, the south by Blanche Street (later Del Mar) and the west by Hill Avenue. 新的教育设施已初具规模 in 1912.
- 1913
Pasadena High School is opened
Campus construction is complete. 耗资63.2万美元建造的帕萨迪纳高中 1913年开学,当时有1700名学生.
- 1924
Pasadena Junior College is established
In response to the community’s need for higher education facilities, Pasadena Junior 学院建在帕萨迪纳高中校园内. It was one of the earliest 美国西南部的大专院校. William Ewing is named the first president (principal) of the college.
- 1927
President John Harbeson
约翰·哈伯森成为PCC第二任总裁. He serves as president until 1950, 成为学校任职时间最长的校长(校长).
- 1928
帕萨迪纳的教育委员会采用了6比4比4的制度. This plan restructured the city’s school system and established a four-year plan at the Colorado campus, grades eleven through fourteen. 在新的重组下,设施发生了变化 its name from Pasadena High School to Pasadena Junior College and the old Pirate mascot becomes the Bulldog.
- 1931
The Bulldog band becomes the official Western College Band for the Tournament of Roses
The band begins to lead the Rose Parade as well as play during the Rose Bowl football game. 到1939年,它正式被称为帕萨迪纳玫瑰乐队锦标赛.
- 1931
Albert Einstein is enthusiastically welcomed by some 8,000 people, including students from the city schools and the Junior College, when he visits to dedicate the astronomy observatory in February 1931.
- 1934
The three main Pasadena Junior College buildings, originally named for Horace Mann, Jane Addams, and Louis Agassiz, were demolished to create safer, earthquake-resistant buildings. 50个蒸汽加热的帐篷被搭建起来,以容纳以前举行的课程 in the Horace Mann Building. They became known as “Tent City.” Classes were conducted in Tent City for three long, long years, during which time both students and teachers experienced many hardships. 新建筑被重新命名为C、D和E楼, respectively.
- 1936
Mack & Jackie Robinson attend PCC
From 1936 to1938, the Robinson brothers came and conquered the Bulldog sports world 有着令人难以置信的壮举和全国公认的表演.
- 1938
约翰·缪尔主要是一所四年制职业高中. Due to their lack of enrollment and PJC’s all-time high in enrollment, the schools are 合并为一个机构,位于两个校区.
- 1947
PCC opens a radio studio
The new radio studio affords students greater opportunities for creative expression and provides an additional means for advertising the school and its activities to the community.
- 1950
President William Langsdorf
威廉·朗斯多夫成为第一位担任大学校长的PCC校友. His tenure would go on to last for nine years.
- 1953
The Registered Nursing program is founded
The program is one of only five pilot programs in the nation to address the need for qualified nurses.
- 1954
Pasadena High School continues to share the PCC campus until their new high school campus in east Pasadena was completed in 1960.
- 1957
The Lancer is born
在足球赛季,一个新的吉祥物,枪骑兵,出现了. Pasadena High school stays as the bulldog.
- 1959
Superintendent-President Catherine Robbins
Catherine Robbins, a PCC faculty member since 1923, becomes one of a handful of female 社区大学的校长. Robbins serves as the college's 4th president until 1965.
- 1965
Superintendent-President Armen Sarafian
Armen Sarafian担任PCC的第五任总裁,直到1976年.
- 1966
Approved by voters on April 26, 1966, the newly formed district encompasses the school districts of Pasadena, Arcadia, La Cañada, San Marino,Temple City and South Pasadena. With this comes the first board of seven trustees and the college president is changed to the superintendent-president.
- 1973
Extension of the PCC campus
Sierra Bonita大道在科罗拉多大道以南关闭., and Bonnie Avenue is widened to open new parking areas.
- 1976
Superintendent-President E. Howard Floyd
E. Howard Floyd began at PCC in 1930 as a faculty member in the math department since 1930. 在担任校长之前,他担任了几年学院副校长 作为学院的第六任院长.
- 1978
Superintendent-President Richard Meyers
Richard Meyers, the schools 7th president, serves as superintendent-president until 1983. 在他的任期内,学校经历了5年最困难的时期,原因是经费大幅削减 to state funding (a result of the passing of the state property tax relief measure, Proposition 13). 为了平衡大学预算,教学项目已经 被削减,许多教职员工的职位被取消.
- 1979
The PCC Foundation is established
The PCC Foundation is founded non-profit, charitable, public-benefit corporation. It's goal is to raise private funds to make possible those projects for which public funds are limited or not available. 今天,基金会继续筹集资金 for t major capital projects, equipment to ensure technological excellence, student 项目、教师补助金和学生奖学金.
- 1983
Superintendent-President John Casey
- 1985
A result of the Community College Reform Act of 1985, PCC’s College Coordinating Council is created to provide a forum to which any individual or group from the college community 能否提出一个与大学有关的问题供官方考虑和解决.
- 1987
Superintendent-President Jack Scott
Jack Scott从1987年到1995年担任第9任PCC总监兼总裁. During his tenure he initiates a building master plan designed to refurbish the campus over a ten year period. 卸任总统后,斯科特成为加州参议员.
- 1987
Major campus rebuilding begins
The administration, faculty, staff and community contractors formulate a master rebuilding 计划预见到21世纪大学设施的需求. 这些改进的费用最终超过了1亿美元.
- 1993
Shatford Library opens
The Walter T. 沙特福德二世图书馆,一座三层建筑,占地50,000平方米 feet to library functions, becomes the first new major building completed on campus in 20 years. 旧图书馆大楼变成了学生服务中心.
- 1995
Superintendent-President James Kossler
詹姆斯·科斯勒(James Kossler)于1988年加入PCC,担任该校副校长. He serves as the school's 10th president for 12 years before announcing his retirement in 2007.
- 1996
The Community Education Center opens
First established in 1979 as a community skills center, the Community Education Center 重新命名并在山麓大道有一个永久的位置. in east Pasadena. Its doors open in August of 1996.
- 1997
Shared Governance is established
After consultation with faculty, students, staff, and managers, the Board of Trustees approved a Shared Governance policy in an on-going effort to encourage consultation, 学院内部的合作和透明.
- 1999
Hutto-Patterson Gymnasium opens
The old gymnasium, which was used for nearly 70 years, is replaced by the two-story, 65,000 square foot Hutto-Patterson Gymnasium. Included in the facility is the Sports 名人堂,表彰小灵通,PJC和PCC的优秀运动员和教练.
- 2007
Superintendent-President Paulette J. Perfumo
Paulette Perfumo, 2007年至2009年担任PCC第11任总裁. Beyond school leadership, Perfumo is as an advocate for PCC and all California community 加州立法机构和国会的大学.
- 2009
临时督学-校长Lisa Sugimoto
Lisa Sugimoto started at PCC in 1976 as a part-time staff member and became a counselor in 1977. 直到2010年,她一直担任学校的临时校长.
- 2010
Superintendent-President Mark Rocha
Mark Rocha, PCC’s 13th Superintendent-President, leads the school for 4 years before retiring in 2014.
- 2013
PCC at Rosemead Educational Site opens
PCC at Rosemead, a full service educational center, is opened to give greater access 向地区内不同社区提供高等教育. It offers general 获得学位或转学的教育学分课程,非学分课程
- 2014
The Center for the Arts opens
Funded by the Measure P Bond, the Center for the Arts is 87,000 square feet with 14 classrooms and 3 performance spaces: the Westerbeck Recital Hall, the Boone Family 艺术画廊和艺术剧院中心.
- 2014
Following Dr. 高级副总裁/助理警司Rocha退休 罗伯特·米勒被任命为该校第14任校长.
- 2014
Student Equity positioned as a first priority of the college in new Educational Master
From 2012 to 2014, the college developed a new Educational Master Plan that includes race-conscious language, and equity is positioned as a first priority of the college
- 2015
Superintendent-President Rajen Vurdien
Dr. Rajen Vurdien, 2015年7月加入PCC,成为该校第15任校长.
- 2017
太阳城集团官方网址导航于2017年3月14日在华盛顿特区获得认可.C., as one of ten finalists for the 2017年阿斯彭社区学院卓越奖, the nation’s pre-eminent recognition of high achievement and performance in America’s community colleges. PCC是从全国1000所公立社区学院中选拔出来的.
- 2018
PCC is named today as one of 10 finalists for the 2019 Aspen Prize for Community College
For the second time in a row, Pasadena City College is selected as one of 10 finalists 阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖. Awarded every two years since 2011, the Prize recognizes institutions that achieve high and improving student outcomes, 从全国1000多所社区大学中选出.
- 2019
Following Dr. Vurdien's retirement, Dr. Erika Endrijonas starts 2019年1月,成为该校第16任校长.
- 2023
Interim Superintendent-President José A. Gómez, Ph.D.
Dr. José A. Gómez被确认为帕萨迪纳市临时督学/校长 College on July 19, 2023